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Writer's picture Iveta & Simone



For some, there will be no going back to ‘normal’, a ‘normal’ without the family members or the friends that COVID 19 stole from you,...the job that you loved that is no longer there, the home that you can no longer afford or the travel plans laid waste….. But beyond the pain, grief and uncertainty lies the potential for a new life….a NEW future.

Dear friends we say more than ever, THE FUTURE IS NOW!

A time to move forward, a time not to look back, we can't change the past but we can have hope and a forward attitude. A new normal, where perhaps we can pause, just for a moment at the start of each new day and appreciate what we do have and what is important, It might be to watch that sunrise or to laugh and enjoy your child's cuddles, to spare a moment and talk to your neighbour. The most fulfilling moments and contentment seem to be when, disregarding our own pleasure or elevation, I reach to my left or right, I reach back behind me and lift up someone else, when I help someone else and see...that SHE USED TO BE ME. This song is about that feeling, one used to have with her ex partner, the regrets, the emotions, the anger, the hurt, do they ever go away, especially now that he has another girl. Times like these we have felt these feelings from experience in one's life. Can “YOU” identify with this song? Why or why not? We would like to hear what you have to say. Click here and let us know! With love, Iveta & Simone

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